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In other words, curriculum modification is not limited to instructional modification or content modification but includes a continuum of a wide range of modified educational components. However, the way that we interpret curriculum influences our understanding of curriculum modification. Reisburg 1990 lists examples of the modifications of content, such as teaching learning strategies, simplifying concepts or reading levels, teaching different sets of knowledge and skills needed by students, and setting up specific objectives and examples of modifications to instructional methods, including reducing distractions, altering the pace of lessons, presenting smaller amounts of work, clarifying directions, and changing input and response modes. To this end, all of these teaching events should be considered as examples of curriculum modification. CATEGORIES OF CURRICULUM MODIFICATIONS:An inclusive curriculum is meant to afford all learners equal opportunities to lifelong education. However, not recognizing that special measures have to be in place for the learners with special needs would be denial of reality. Modifying the curriculum to accommodate those with special needs in inclusive classrooms is to avoid a watered down curriculum which usually accompanies exclusive schools. In this century there is talk of quality education and this education is seen as one that will develop learners holistically by recognizing their individual potential. The curriculum modifications that are proposed are to be done within the context of quality education. The following discussion is based on King Sears suggestions for modifying the curriculum. Accommodation:The term refers to the delivery of instructional materials or the methods of learners performance which does not change the content or conceptual difficulty of the curriculum King Sears 2001.

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